Growth markets for logistics Truly International Perspectives at transport logistic

China Thomas Küppers Foto: Thomas Kueppers

Four regions will be taken under the magnifying glass at transport logistic 2017: Poland, Iran, South Africa and the USA.

In addition to India and China, the exhibition organisers in Munich have several other interesting markets in their sights. Four regions will be taken under the magnifying glass at transport logistic 2017: Poland, Iran, South Africa and the USA. Each region is characterised by markets with great logistics sector potential. Various events within the scope of the exhibition will underline the importance of these four regions.

Accordingly, Messe München will open the exhibition with the event "Poland: Opportunities and Challenges as the European Hinterland Logistics Hub" on 9th May.

On 10th May, the German Logistics Association (BVL) will provide insights into the Iranian logistics market, covering both opportunities and rules-of-play. On the same day, visitors may inform themselves at the LAG-hosted (Logistics Alliance Germany) "USA Country Special: Inspiration for German Logistics Solutions from Silicon Valley". The South African market will also be explored in the event "Logistics in Southern Africa – Opportunities and Challenges" on 11th May.

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Harry Binhammer, Rechtsanwalt und Fachanwalt für Arbeitsrecht Harry Binhammer Fachanwalt für Arbeitsrecht
Experte für Flottenmanagement und angewandte Mobilitätsangebote Rolf Lübke Mobilität, Fuhrpark (inkl. Wasserstoff-Expertise)
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